Get more organic traffic (visitors) and grow digital businesses. The main goal of SEO is acquiring free, organic traffic.
The web search (both desktop and mobile). SEO can be done for Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., search engines.
The more you invest in paid marketing (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Snapchat Ads), the more benefit you get, as non-organic downloads impact visibility and organic downloads.
SEO is independent of advertising investment; paying promotion does not impact a website’s visibility.
You must invest in inbound marketing, backlinks, and PR to boost your SEO.
Many small to medium size businesses don’t use SEO for branding or sales and falsely believe that because they have built a website, this is all they need and that their customers will find them. The 20th century´s “build it, and they will come” approach is a flawed strategy in this digital world. Have you ever tried to google a local business and can’t seem to find them anywhere in the search results? Because there they are on page 8! Yeah, right. Who scrolls through all the way to page 7th or 8th? It’s crazy to think a business has invested time and resources into a swanky new website but makes it challenging to be found in search engines. Without implementing an SEO strategy for your website, then you waste money on the website. It’s never too late to start an SEO-driven website, but the longer you leave it, the longer it will take to achieve your commercial goals. Sometimes creating alternative channels and distribution such as podcasts can support your efforts for search engine optimization.
At 210 Digital Marketing, we have been pioneers of digital transformation since the beginning of this century.
Technical terms such as algorithms, SERPs, MetaTag, Short-tail keywords, Long-tail keywords, 301 redirect, spider, crawlers and HTML seem overwhelming initially. And for any busy business owner, who is already struggling to get through their email inbox every day, it also means they are reluctant to learn something that seems complex. Although it’s not rocket science, it might be time-consuming and frustrating, and at times, the technical terms can make you dizzy, but 210 Digital Marketing can guide you. Google´s algorithm, in particular, is constantly changing. So if you have a website and don’t have time to do your SEO yourself, outsource it with us.
SEO is a relatively old discipline with a lot of competitors.
You have to build a website and generate URLs (contents), so the results of SEO take time. SEO is a mid/long-term strategy, so don’t expect to see immediate results.